

Dentist wanted
for your practice?

Dutch oral care practices and dentists from Europe find each other through Orange Chapter.

We look
further for you

As an oral health care specialist, you want to provide your clients with the finest services and treatments. If you’ve been searching for dentists to add to your practice for some time now, it’s time to look further. No idea where? Then you’ve come to the right place. We look across the border for you and find dentists and dental technicians that match your practice. Read more and find out how.

  • The moment we see a match with one of our candidates, we contact you. Do you also see a match after the initial exchange? Then we will introduce you to each other.

    Available candidates
  • Dentist wanted? Please fill out the vacancy form. If we know what you are looking for in terms of skill and experience, we can look out for a candidate with suitable expertise and ambition.

    Post a vacancy
  • As soon as the new colleague has passed the B2+ language diploma, he or she will start working for you. We have already taken care of housing, a BIG registration and diploma recognition.

    Welcome a new colleague

A hassle-free recruitment
and selection process.

A colleague from abroad? All kinds of arrangements are needed…

Not to worry, we take care of everything involved with the move to the Netherlands. Procedures, documents, learning the language and housing are all considered. We are even involved in the social integration of the candidates. This is how we help you get a skilled, motivated and happy colleague.


Dutch speaking dentists and dental technicians

As far as we are concerned, solving a shortage is all about thinking bigger. We specialize in the recruitment, relocation, training and selection of dentists and dental technicians from Europe.

We also prepare all the necessary documents to be able to work as a dentist or dental technician in the Netherlands. One of the most important aspects of integration starts with the training in an intensive Dutch language course. This way you can literally read and write with a new employee and they can have independent conversations with colleagues and clients alike.